Completed Projects
- Sabah Timber Industry Master Plan
- Forest Carbon Services – Project Scoping & Pre-Feasibility / Due Diligence
- Forestry Support Program for FSC – Gerak Saga Concession Sabah
- Country Profile – Malaysia – ETTF
- Independent Monitoring of RIL & Sabah Timber Legality Standard Principles 1-6
- Development of a Due Diligence System for timber and wood products in The Philippines
- Forestry Support Program – Asrama Raya
- Environmental Economist, Financial Data Management & Biophysical Data
- Field testing – Sarawak Timber Legality Verification System (STLVS)
- Interagency facilitation of the Sarawak Timber Legality Verification System (STLVS)
- Wood Tracking System – EU FLEGT Ghana
- Guidebook on requirements for chain of custody and monitoring compliance for timber and wood products in the Philippines
- Independent Monitoring of Sabah Timber Legality Assurance System & Reduced Impact Logging
- Economic Study of Deramakot Forest & FMU 17A
- Timber Flow Study – Cambodia
- Carbi Project – “Mitigation of international leakage through timber tracking and control” – Laos PDR
- Proposed Forest Restoration Investment Project – FMU 17A – Sabah, Malaysia
- Timber Flow Study Laos PDR
- Forestry Support Program – Burapha Agro-Forestry – Laos
- Training – Chain of Custody – Burapha Agro-Forestry – Laos
- Forestry Support Program – Ulu Kalumpang Forest Reserve
- Training & Support Services – Chain of Custody for Laos Government – Laos
- Global Conservation Standard – Forest Carbon Services
- PT Perum Perhutani – FSC Forestry Certification
- Sapulut Forest Reserve – Forest Carbon Services (FCS)
- Bornion Timber – Forest Carbon Services (FCS)
- FMU 17A – Forestry Support Program
- Sabah Softwood Bhd – Training & Support Services
- Malua Forest Reserve – Forestry Support Program
- Cambodia Project Due Diligence – Forestry Support Program
- FMU 17C – Forestry Support Program – Sabah, Malaysia
- Training FSC Certification – Forestry Support Program
- Evaluation of GTW Management (Cambodia) for carbon offset program – Forest Carbon Services
- Berama Co Ltd – Forestry Support Program – Guyana, South America
- Greenheart Resources – Forestry Support Program – Suriname, South America
- Innovision (PNG) Ltd – Forestry Support Program – Papua New Guinea
- Case Study Sabah Forest Ownership – Forestry Support Program
Dates | October 2019 – May 2021 – Revised Oct 2022 |
Status | Completed Project |
Client | Department of Industrial Development & Research (DIDR) – Sabah, Malaysia. |
Description |
GFS developed a comprehensive Master Plan to revitalize the forest and timber industries in Sabah Malaysia. The Sabah Timber Industry Master Plan was designed to provide direction to the State Government to address the needs of the forest producers and downstream industry for long-term sustainability in relation to the Sabah Forest Policy 2018. The Master Plan was based on forest producers and downstream timber industry in respect to current and future resources of natural forests and plantations, the current status of the manufacturing industry and capacities, availability of quality raw material, diversification of product ranges, market requirements and values for both local and export sales. The Sabah Timber Industry Master Plan identified constraints and defined solutions to revive growth in the timber industry. The Master Plan incorporates scheduled Action Plans and a Road Map for increasing timber production through plantation development from smallholders and forest concessions; increasing value in timber products; developing a sustainable timber supply and address constraints due to government administration. |
Dates: | November 2020 – June 2021 |
Status: | Completed |
Client: | Samling Strategic Corporation Sdn Bhd – Sarawak, Malaysia. |
Description: |
Conducted an Initial Project Scoping Evaluation under Stage 1 of the GFS Forest Carbon Services to identify suitable FTL License areas for Improved Forest Management and LPF License areas for Avoided Deforestation and Planned Conversion. A key objective was to provide a fundamental estimate of the potential revenue that IFM / LPF licenses may receive based on the estimated land area available for a carbon project with basic assumptions of volumes translated to potential metric tons of CO2e stock that may provide carbon offset revenues. GFS & Ata Marie conducted a pre-feasibility / due diligence evaluation for Marudi (LPF 0008) based on requirements of the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) for generation of saleable carbon units (VCUs: Verified Carbon Units) and CCB (Climate, Community and Biodiversity Project Design Standards) to support “credibility” of the project managed under the Verra Program now based in the USA. Verified Carbon Units (VCUs) are fully accredited and traded carbon credits sourced from projects worldwide. The VCS/ CCB Standard is among the most widely used quality assurance systems for accounting for forestry GHG emissions reductions. |
Dates: | June 2019 – June 2021 |
Status: | Completed |
Client: | Forest Solutions Malaysia Sdn Bhd – Sabah, Malaysia. |
Description: |
GFS provided support for management planning and operational system for developing a plantation on 6,000 ha in Sabah, Malaysia, to meet the requirements for certification under the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Principles & Criteria. In addition, GFS supported Forest Solutions Malaysia to establish a long-term Forest Management Plan, assessments for HCV and social issues, and formalized procedures for all key plantation operations and associated activities. The company received FSC Certification (FSC-C167381) |
Dates: | May 2020 |
Status: | Completed |
Client: | FORM International – The Netherlands |
Description: |
GFS supported the revision of the Country Profile for Malaysia for the EU Timber Trade Federation Timber Trade Portal. The Profile described in detail the regulatory system for forest management over Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah & Sarawak. The Profile defined forest production areas and the timber trade industry in each region along with the status of Forest Certification and Legality Due Diligence Systems in operation. |
Dates: | January 2015 – December 2019 |
Status: | Completed |
Client: | Sabah Forestry Department – Sabah, Malaysia. |
Description: |
GFS conducted independent monitoring for Reduced Impact Logging & Legal Compliance with the Sabah Timber Legality Standard P1-6 for all licensed forests, manufacturing, trade, and export companies. GFS conducted monthly field assessments to verify the compliance of forest management & operations to the Sabah TLAS Legal Standard (Principles 1-4). GFS also monitored Legal Compliance for all manufacturing, trade & export companies (Principles 5-6) and Reduced Impact Logging (RIL) for current harvesting operations. |
Dates: | Phase II: June 2018 – May 2019 |
Status: | Completed Project (Phases I & II) – Planning Phase III (training & implementation) |
Client: | CFIP (Chamber of Furniture Industries of the Philippines) / FAO – UN |
Description: |
GFS supported the CFIP & PWPA to develop a Due Diligence System for the Philippine timber industry to demonstrate compliance to regulations that includes an independent auditing system to monitor compliance by the Timber Associations of the Philippines. The Due Diligence System sets out both a framework for the Philippine Industry & Trade to follow in regards to the Chain of Custody system in the form of procedures integrated with a formal monitoring procedure that the timber associations can manage check implementation by its’ members. The Due Diligence System for the Philippine Timber Association consists of 3 main elements; Procedural Guidebook on legal requirements and Chain of Custody system, Administration Procedures for the Timber Associations to manage the system and Monitoring Protocols to monitor member compliance to the regulatory and Chain of Custody requirements. |
Dates: | April 2016 – March 2018 |
Status: | Completed |
Client: | Asrama Raya Sdn Bhd (FSC-C135483) – Terengganu, Malaysia. |
Description: |
GFS provided support for developing a forest management planning system for a 10,000ha natural forest area (HS Petuang) in Terengganu to meet the requirements for certification under the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Principles & Criteria. GFS supported Asrama Raya to establish a long-term Forest Management Plan, assessments for HCV and social issues and formalized procedures for all key forestry operations (Reduced Impact Logging) and associated activities. The company received FSC Certification (FSC-C135483) |
Dates: | November 2015 – November 2016 |
Status: | Completed |
Client: | UNDP & Sabah Forestry Department – Sabah, Malaysia. |
Description: |
The objective of the project was to bring the land-uses in the connecting landscape and protected areas under a common and integrated management umbrella strategy in order to mainstream biodiversity, ecosystem functions and resilience, while enabling ongoing sustainable uses. Activities includes: · Collect, and expand availability and ease of use of, baseline bio-physical data regarding the demonstration site. · Specify key data gaps that would act as barriers to project implementation. · Prepare detailed technical overview of required additional data gathering and monitoring actions. · Identify, improve access and ease of use of existing and future financial data related to demonstration landscape. · Prepare a description of bio-physical data required by the project, and · Identify and develop a strategy for filling data gaps. · Assess the total economic value of alternative land use scenarios and ecosystems services. · Provide scoping on optimal mix of revenue generations mechanisms, and · Indicate funding gaps to be leveraged against investments to be raised internally through co-finance and/or through the market. |
Dates: | July – August 2016 |
Status: | Completed |
Client: | Sarawak Timber Association – Sarawak, Malaysia |
Description: |
Field testing of draft Sarawak Legality Standard STLVS (Principles 1-6) Draft 04 on 6 forest license areas and 6 manufacturing / export companies. Field Testing Report was developed for identification of weaknesses and to provide recommendations to improve the standard for field evaluation of compliance. |
Dates: | November 2015 – March 2016 |
Status: | Completed |
Client: | Sarawak Timber Association – Sarawak, Malaysia. |
Description: |
The project objective was to facilitate MRPE, STIDC, FDS & SFC interagency committee in their development of a due diligence system for the Sarawak Timber Legality Verification System. Assist/facilitate in internal discussions and review for drafting the Sarawak Legality Standard for internal review by agencies and identified STA members. Facilitate the interagency committee to develop a road map for implementation of the STLVS due diligence system. |
Dates: | October 2012 – September 2015 |
Status: | Completed |
Client: | Ghana Forestry Commission – Ghana. |
Description: |
GFS is part of a consortium lead by Ata Marie to support the Ghana Government – Forestry Commission to develop a Wood Tracking System to meet their commitments in the FLEGT VPA and the EU Timber Regulations. The Ghana Wood Tracking System was developed as an integrated IT database project to capture forest inventory and tree harvesting data that can be tracked through production and export of finished wood products. The Wood Tracking System incorporates a verification system that includes both data and field evaluation of compliance with the Ghana Legality Standard. GFS provided the expertise for designing the verification system for the forests, wood processing and trade of wood products being used in the Ghana Wood Tracking System. Chatham House conducted a review of the Ghana WTS that highlighted the success of the system to reduce illegal logging and provide credible data and traceability of legally harvested timber from licensed areas through manufacturing and export sales. Title Forest Sector Accountability in Cameroon and Ghana; Research paper; 08 October 2020; ISBN: 978 1 78413 423 5 |
Dates: | September 2014 – March 2015 |
Status: | Completed |
Client: | United Nations – FAO |
Description: | GFS established a guidebook on chain of custody in regards to meeting Philippine regulations that includes an auditing system to monitor compliance by the Timber Associations of the Philippines. The Guidebook sets out both a framework for the Philippine Industry & Trade to follow in regards to Chain of Custody system in the form of procedures that is integrated with a formal monitoring procedure that can be managed by the timber associations to check implementation by it’s members. |
Dates: | Jan 2010 – December 2014 |
Status: | Completed |
Client: | Sabah Forestry Department – Sabah, Malaysia. |
Description: |
GFS operated the FLEGT Timber Legality Assurance System (TLAS) for Sabah Malaysia since May 2009 supported by the Sabah Forestry Department and originally sponsored by GIZ of Germany. The legality verification project expanded to cover ALL harvest license areas in Sabah, Malaysia. GFS evaluated legal compliance of ALL forest areas in Sabah, Malaysia, based on the field verification standard for legal compliance developed under the FLEGT project. GFS provided monitoring of compliance for Reduced Impact Logging of selected concessions in relation to the Sabah 2009 Guidelines on RIL.GFS developed assessment checklists for evaluation of Comprehensive Harvest Plans (CHP) and implementation of Reduced Impact Logging (RIL). The project monitored CHP development & implementation of RIL in active logging license areas based on the planned schedule of coupe permits by the SFD. |
Dates: | June – December 2014 |
Status: | Completed |
Client: | Sabah Forestry Department – Sabah, Malaysia. |
Description: | This project’s scope was to evaluate the economic viability of Deramakot Forest based on principles of Sustainable Forest Management and provide a comparison with FMU 17A that was managed using conventional logging systems. The economic analysis included revenue and operational cost of Sustainable Forest Management against conventional logging but also included analysis of the asset value of the residual forests. The results showed that Deramakot averaged 37% profit over costs and retained an asset value of double FMU 17A over a 10-year sample period. SFD earned higher revenue from royalty payments but extracted 10 times the timber volume of DFR that resulted in costs of RM 11 million for rehabilitation. Due to the over-harvesting in FMU 17A, no harvesting activities have been conducted since 2004; thus, there is no continual revenue flow while Deramakot will continue to generate revenue annually. |
Dates: | August 2013 – March 2014 |
Status: | Completed |
Client: | EFI/EU FLEGT Facility |
Description: | The scope of this Project on understanding timber flows in Cambodia is to evaluate the timber supply chains in that includes production forests, plantations, conversion area from Economic Land Concessions that are sold into the domestic market or form part of the export market to neighbouring countries. The field study was planned from August through Oct 2013 in Phnom Penh, Mondulkiri, Koh Kong and Kratie & Sihanukville Provinces to evaluate timber supply and the systems used to document timber supplied to local industry and for export. |
Dates: | December 2012 – May 2013 |
Status: | Completed – (Conflict in TOR) |
Client: | WWF Laos |
Description: |
Trans-boundary trade was evaluated to gain information on timber supply from the defined project areas, pilot projects and the resulting trade flows to Vietnam. Activities included: · Conduct an assessment of the cross-border timber trade from Laos to Vietnam in a comprehensive study that can provide a baseline for project monitoring. · Analyze trade routes of timber from logging quotas linked to infrastructure development and land concessions in Sekong and Saravanh provinces including special quotas, infrastructure projects or land concessions that are either operational, approved or in (pre-)/feasibility stage. · Evaluate the current traceability system within the area of Houay Pen PFA under the Sekong 4 / coal mining exploration concession in Sekong Province. The on-going logging activities linked to the Sekong 4 hydropower and coal mining exploration projects offer the opportunity to recommend procedures for a “rapid traceability and inspection system” for timber harvested as an improved traceability system for infrastructure projects. · Evaluate training needs for national and local Government forest inspection staff and develop a training concept. |
Dates: | April 2008 – December 2009 |
Status: | Completed concept Proposal for Forest Investment Services |
Client: | Sabah Forestry Department / Private Investment Services |
Description: | The scope of this project was to develop an economically viable forest restoration model for severely degraded forest areas that will support continued revenue from degraded areas and assist in rehabilitating degraded areas. The project used the inventory data from Forest Research Center for FMU 17A that was deemed to be so degraded that logging would only be scheduled for after 20 years. The project identified approximately 11,000 ha for rehabilitation using fast growing local species that could be harvested within 15 years that would yield an estimated 12% annual return on investment. A viable carbon market could have supported an additional 5% increase in annual returns on investment. |
Dates: | September 2011 – March 2012 |
Status: | Completed |
Client: | LTS / Indufor / EFI |
Description: | The scope of this Project on understanding timber flows in Laos is to evaluate the timber supply chains in Laos PDR includes production forests, plantations, conversion area from infrastructure projects that are sold into the domestic market or form part of the export market to neighbouring countries. The field study was conducted from August through November 2011 in Vientiane, Salavan, Xekong and Sayaboury & Luang Prabang Provinces to evaluate timber supply and the systems used to document timber supplied to local industry and for export. |
Dates: | June – May 2012 |
Status: | Completed |
Client: | Swedfund International AB |
Description: |
The scope of the project is to support the development of a plantation management system for Burapha Agroforestry concession in Location Laos along with selected smallholder suppliers under a group system for FSC Certification. The scope of the project includes: · Evaluation of current management and COC system in plantation areas relevant to FSC requirements. · Training of staff for Burapha Agro-Forestry on the development of plantation management planning, High Conservation Value Forestry & social requirements in line with FSC requirements. · Support the development of Standard Operating Procedures for key activities and management system for Burapha plantations. · Support development of a monitoring system for operations, environment and social issues. · Management guidelines and agreement for small holder suppliers under FSC group scheme. |
Dates: | January – March 2011 |
Status: | Completed |
Client: | Swedfund International AB |
Description: |
The scope of the project included: · Evaluation of current management system and policy and assist in developing procedures and documents to meet the FSC requirements. · Training of staff for Burapha Agro-Forestry (Laos) on the development of CoC system including purchasing, sales, warehousing and policy in line with FSC requirements. · Evaluation of CoC system implementation. |
Dates: | June 2009 – December 2010 |
Status: | Completed |
Client: | Sabah Forestry Department – Sabah, Malaysia. |
Description: |
The scope of this Project covered technical support for development of management planning and operational systems for Ulu Kalumpang, Mt Wullersdorf, Madai Baturong, and Kalumpang Forest Reserves to meet the FSC Standard. · Technical support for collection of baseline data on forest resources, encroached areas HCVF & Social Assessments required for completion of the FMP. · Support for development of a system of communication & dispute resolution required for certification. · Support to identify & design potential carbon projects within degraded areas for rehabilitation. · Develop a forest management plan for the forest reserves. · Development of procedures for conservation management activities. · Development of monitoring systems for forest resources, environmental and social elements and forest activities. |
Dates: | December 2009 – October 2010 |
Status: | Completed |
Client: | The Nature Conservancy |
Description: | The scope of this Project was to facilitate the development of a Working Group from the Department of Forest Inspection (DOFI) and the Provincial Offices for Forest Inspection (POFI) in Laos PDR to produce a Green Paper on needed regulations regarding chain of custody system from the forest through processing till point of export. Proposed regulations would provide a clear framework for verification of timber and wood products that is compatible with trade-based agreements and can meet international standards for legality of timber and manufactured wood products from Laos PDR. |
Dates: | November 2009 – December 2010 |
Status: | Completed |
Client: | Bio-Carbon Consult – Germany |
Description: | The scope of this project was to support the development of international standard for forestry conservation and carbon sequestration. GFS provided technical support for drafting the initial version of the Green Conservation Carbon Standard that was designed to recognise the importance of carbon conservation through the protection existing natural forest stands and monetize those values in the carbon market. The initial draft developed a system to quantify existing stock of carbon and values for conserving carbon in natural forests that included Standard Development; Project Registration; Project Validation; Project Monitoring. |
Dates: | January 2009 – October 2010 |
Status: | Completed |
Client: | SGS Indonesia |
Description: | The scope of this project was to support the FSC main assessment for Forest Certification of 5 management units of Perum Perhutani as part of the SGS assessment team. The assessment included evaluation for partial certification and compliance to the FSC policy of association. |
Dates: | October 2009 – March 2010 |
Status: | Completed |
Client: | Sapulut Forest Development Sdn Bhd – Sabah, Malaysia. |
Description: | The scope of this project was to support the establishment of a forestry carbon project based on restoration of degraded forest land. The project went through 2 phases of the FCS that included development of the project identification note (PIN) and evaluation of eligibility followed by phase 2 due diligence for project feasibility. |
Dates: | August 2009 |
Status: | Completed |
Client: | Bornion Timber Sdn Bhd – Sabah, Malaysia. |
Description: | The scope of this project was to evaluate the potential of a forestry carbon project based on restoration of previously burned over forest land. The project went through the initial phase of the FCS that to evaluate the project feasibility defining the potential project scope and development of a Project identification Note (PIN). |
Dates: | April 2008 – December 2009 |
Status: | Completed |
Client: | Sabah Forestry Department / The Nature Conservancy – Sabah, Malaysia. |
Description: | The scope of this project was to evaluate High Conservation Values for Tangkulap and Pinangah Forest Reserves (FMU 17A) including both environmental and social elements and to prepare a Forest Management Plan Sabah Malaysia. Training & Support for Development of Management to Meet FSC certification such as development of Forest Management Plan (FMP), Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), Monitoring reports and guidance on implementation of FMP and SOP, etc. |
Dates: | December 2008 |
Status: | Completed |
Client: | Sasaran Sejahtera – Sabah, Malaysia. |
Description: | GFS provided training and support for Reduced Impact Logging of natural forest areas within Sabah Softwood Certified concession, Sabah, Malaysia. |
Dates: | January 2007 – May 2008 |
Status: | Completed |
Client: | Sabah Forestry Department – Sabah, Malaysia. |
Description: | GFS provided monitoring of Reduced Impact Logging (RIL) in Malua FR harvesting operations of over 27,000 ha. Developed RIL checklist and reporting framework, for RIL & Comprehensive Harvest Plans. |
Dates: | September – October 2008 |
Status: | Completed |
Client: | Poyry – Cambodia |
Description: |
The scope of the project is limited to an assessment of the High Conservation Values (HCVF) within five natural forest concession sites in northeastern Cambodia that are currently under conversion into teak plantations: Great Wonder Agricultural Development Co Ltd Asia World Agricultural Development Grand Land Agricultural Development Co Ltd Pelin Agricultural Development Co Ltd Plantation Agricultural Development Co Ltd |
Dates: | June 2007 – May 2008 |
Status: | Completed |
Client: | United Nations Development Program & Sabah Forestry Department |
Description: | Development & Capacity building for Forest Resources in Mangkuwagu FR involve HCVF, Social Survey & Impact Assessment, Negotiation & Communication Skills, Legal Issues & Occupation of FR by Local Communities, Agroforestry Management & Best Practices, Cottage Industry Studies and Marketing & Financial Management. |
Dates: | February – December 2008 |
Status: | Completed |
Client: | April Riau Pulp & Paper; Riau Sumatera, Indonesia |
Description: | Development of management planning and capacity building for APRIL Estates in Riau to be in line with FSC Principles & Criteria with the exception of criterion 10.9. |
Dates: | November 2007 |
Status: | Completed |
Client: | GTW Management (Cambodia) Co. Ltd |
Description: | Conducted the initial phase of the CCSP to identify the options for developing a carbon – based project over 10,000 ha in Kratie Province of Cambodia and to carry out a baseline assessment for FSC certification. |
Dates: | Oct 2005 – Nov 2006 |
Status: | Completed |
Client: | Samling Sdn Bhd |
Description: |
Supported the development of a forest management planning and operational systems in line with FSC requirements for 650,000 ha of natural forest concession area in Guyana. GFS also support the establishment of a Chain of Custody system for Barama plywood and sawmill facilities to comply with the FSC CoC standard. Barama Co Ltd achieved FSC certification for both the forest and mills in 2006. |
Dates: | June – July 2006 |
Status: | Completed |
Client: | Poyry |
Description: | Provide an Environmental Evaluation report on the Greenheart Resources Forestry Business to be carried out on the Suriname Concession. Carry out field inspections, collect information and hold discussions with relevant local agencies to develop a clear view as to the current status of the forest concession and the environmental issues which need to be considered in the investment process. |
Dates: | November 2005 – June 2006 |
Status: | Completed |
Client: | Innovision (PNG) Ltd |
Description: | Conducted a baseline assessment and action plan to support the development of a forest management system in line with FSC requirements. GFS provided support for the development of forest management planning and operational systems to meet FSC certification requirements. |
Dates: | June – August 2005 |
Status: | Completed |
Client: | Food & Agriculture Organization – United Nations |
Description: | GFS conducted a case study that looked at various topics related to forest tenure in Sabah and the implications on the livelihoods of local native communities. It includes reviews of land ownership and forest tenure systems, land laws, native rights issues, community development, and poverty in Sabah. |