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Group Objectives

The key objectives of GFS are to improve management of forests, plantations and the timber industry through defined technical programs and services targeting the needs of the industry as well as government organizations. These programs and services include:

• Forestry Support Program
• Legal Verification & Wood Tracking Services
• Forest Investment Services
• Forest Carbon Services
• Training & Support Services

GFS supports the timber industry from forest through the entire supply chain with respect to sustainable management systems, traceability of raw material and timber based products, restoration of forests through investments and forest carbon and technical training of industry to meet regulatory and certification requirements.

GFS aims to provide professional technical services to all sections of the supply chain, from forest managers to manufacturers and retailers to attain the highest standards. With a series of tailored programs to suit the requirements of different sectors within the industry, GFS can deliver support on all aspects to demonstrating legality of material to improve sustainable forest management. As independent organization providing third party verification, GFS is keen to provide the necessary market assurances by working in conjunction with internationally recognized bodies that provide agreed frameworks for demonstrating compliance to international standards.

GFS has an objective to support restoration of degraded forests through development of low risk investment services that can yield over 8% annual return on investment through intensive management and planting of local tree species that will provide future timber resources as well as enhance environment values over the forest management unit.